Minggu, 29 April 2012



Definisi Produsen
Produsen adalah Badan yang membuat suatu yang baik melalui sebuah proses yang melihatkan bahan baku, komponen,atau rakitan,biasanya ada besar besaran dengan berbagai operasi yang berbeda dibagi antara pekerja. Umumnya digunakan secara bergantian dengan prosedur atau pembuat produk dan konsumen bagi pengguna produk.. Perusahaan atau produsen akan melakukan Market Information (Informasi Pasar). Informasi Pasar akan sangat penting untuk suatu perusahaan karena dengan ini perusahaan akan menciptakan produk yang akan dibutuhkan konsumen. Perusahaan juga akan mencari informasi barang apa saja yang sekarang lebih dibutuhkan oleh konsumen sehingga perusahaan dapat melakukan informasi pasar dan peramalan dengan tepat.


tetapi ada juga yang menyebutkan bahwa Produsen dalam ekonomi adalah orang yang menghasilkan barang dan jasa untuk dijual atau dipasarkan. Orang yang memakai atau memanfaatkan barang dan jasa hasil produksi untuk memenuhi kebetuhan adalah konsumen.
Produksi merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dikerjakan untuk menambah nilai guna suatu benda atau menciptakan benda baru sehingga lebih bermanfaat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan. Kegiatan menambah daya guna suatu benda tanpa mengubah bentuknya dinamakan produksi jasa. Sedangkan kegiatan menambah daya guna suatu benda dengan mengubah sifat dan bentuknya dinamakan produksi barang.
Produksi bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia untuk mencapai kemakmuran. Kemakmuran dapat tercapai jika tersedia barang dan jasa dalam jumlah yang mencukupi.


Faktor produksi adalah sumber daya yang digunakan dalam sebuah proses produksi barang dan jasa. Pada awalnya, faktor produksi dibagi menjadi empat kelompok, yaitu tenaga kerja, modal, sumber daya alam, dan kewirausahaan. Namun pada perkembangannya, faktor sumber daya alam diperluas cakupannya menjadi seluruh benda tangible, baik langsung dari alam maupun tidak, yang digunakan oleh perusahaan, yang kemudian disebut sebagai faktor fisik (physical resources).

Fungsi Produksi 
adalah fungsi yang menunjukkan hubungan antara berbagai kombinasi input yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan output. Asumsi dasar untuk menjelaskan fungsi produksi adalah berlakunya “ the lawa of diminishing ret urns” yang menyat akan bahwa apabila suatu input dit ambahkan dan input lain tetap maka tambahan out put dari setiap tambahan satu unit input yang ditambahkan mula-mula menaik, tapi pada suatu tingkat tertentu akan menurun jika input tambahan tersubut terus menerus dit ambahkan. Jadi dalam ini ada 3 tingkat produksi :
1) Tahap 1 : produksi terus bertambah dengan cepat
2) Tahap 2 : pertambahan produksi total semakin lama semakin mengecil
3) Tahap 3 : pert ambahan produksi total semakin berkurang


sekian info mengenaidefinisi produsen dan fungsi produsen dari blog saya, smoga bermanfaat :)

Why so green and lonely?


'Why so green and lonely?'

Radiohead are one of the most innovative and influential bands of all time, selling over 20 million albums. They have a worldwide following.I have attempted to break down mind control themed lyrics and symbolism in Radiohead's last seven albums.
"I can't bear the idea of doing an album again. We've all said that we can't possibly dive into that again. It'll kill us."  Thom Yorke, The Guardian 11 August 2009

Pablo Honey 1993

You are the sun and moon and stars are you.
I can see me drowning, caught in the fire.
Masonic symbols

Stop Whispering
And they're cursing me, and they won't let me be.

Stop whispering, start shouting.
And the buildings say "We
spit on your face some more."

Thom Yorke, Stop Whispering video

First step: to not need 
The small child is placed in a room without any sensory stimulus, usually a training room with gray, white, or beige walls. The adult leaves and the child is left alone, for periods of time: these may vary from hours, to an entire day... If the child begs the adult to stay, and not leave, or screams, the child is beaten, and told that the periods of isolation will increase until they learn to stop being weak....What it actually does is create a huge terror of abandonment within the child. When the adult returns to the room, the child is often found rocking itself, or hugging itself in a corner, occasionally almost catatonic from fear. The trainer will then "rescue" the child, feed and give it something to drink and bond with the child as their "savior". The trainer will tell them the "family" told the trainer to rescue the child, because its family "loves" it. The trainer will instill cult teachings, at this point, into the helpless, fearful, and almost insanely grateful child who has just been "rescued" from isolation. The trainer will reinforce in the child over and over how much it "needs " its family, who just rescued it from death by starvation or abandonment. This will teach the very young toddler to associate comfort and security with bonding with its trainer, who may be one of its parents, and being with "family" members. The cult is very aware of child developmental principles, and has developed exercises like the above after hundreds of years of teaching very young children.
Svali, How the Cult Programs People: Chapter 4

Mary-Kate Olsen

Rihanna: Russian Roulette 
Trauma Programming 
For years, my father performed a variety of brutal, ritual-type physical and psychological abuses, among them: confinement in closets, cages, and a coffin, while I was told I was being left to die; near drowning; isolation; needles inserted in sensitive body areas; food and sleep deprivation; electroshock via electric wires, welding equipment, cattle prods, etc.; drugging; sophisticated hypnotic and electronic programming; tying me upside down to walnut trees out in the isolated walnut groves and other places; forcing me to participate in torturous rituals and  orgies; and sexually abusing me, each time in more perverted ways.

Soul destroyed with clever toys for little boys.

It's inevitable, inevitable, it's a soul destroyed.
You're free until you drop,
Thom Yorke

I never wanted any
broken bones,
face, no home.
words surround me and I asphyxiate,
And I
burn all hate.

I'm not a vegetable,
I will not control myself.
spit on the hand that feeds me,

Dehumanised baby

Looking like JFK, bullet entry holes Note left eye

Scissors aimed at left eye

Inside My Head 
What do you want from me now you got me
now my fingers bleed now they're staring at me
now you
tie me up to your feather bed
and i twist and turn in a
chinese burn

now my energy you suck from me
smothering me, quit laughing at me

inside my head
whatever you put in that syringe

he's sitting there inside of me
and you bother me, you possess me

Shock equipment: models and types are quite varied, depending on age and company. Most have a set of rubber covered wires, with electrodes that may be connected with Velcro, rubber (steel tips imbedded under finger and toe nails), or gel pads (larger body areas such as chest, arms, legs). Some are tiny electrodes, which can be taped next to eyes, or placed within genitalia. These are connected to the "shock box", which has controls that can determine amount of electricity , and frequency, if interval shocks are desired.- Svali

Prove Yourself
Hooked back up to the cathode ray,
want to breathe, I want to grow,
I work, I
bleed, I beg, I pray,

I'm better off dead,

Blow Out
In my mind and nailed into my heels.
All the time
killing what I feel.
And everything I touch
All wrapped up in cotton wool

All wrapped up and sugar coated
turns to stone.

I am fused just in case I blow out.
I am
glued just because I crack out.

Thom performs 'Creep' on MTV 1994

Black and white duality stripes

Robbie Williams - hypnotised, dissociative stripes

Megan Fox - mannequin on Masonic black and white checkerboard. 

Amy Winehouse struggling

Masonic checkers symbolism

Painting by Kim Noble, artist with Dissociative Identity Disorder

Radiohead with masonic pillars and checkerboard

The Bends 1995

Electro-shocked woman. 'The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave', Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier

The Bends
I need to wash myself again to hide all the dirt and pain
We don't have any real friends,
They brought in the 
CIA, the tanks and the whole marines,
blow me away, to blow me sky high

I don't want to be crippled and cracked
Shoulders, wrists, knees and back
Ground to dust and ash
Crawling on all fours  [animal]
Pieces missing everywhere

My Iron Lung
My brain says I'm receiving pain
lack of oxygen
From my life support
My iron lung
We are losing it
Can't you tell?

The head shrinkers
They want everything
Ewen Cameron notorious MK-Ultra psychiatrist

'HUNDREDS of mentally ill patients who were subjected to barbaric CIA-funded brainwashing experiments by a Scottish doctor could be entitled to compensation following a landmark court ruling. Doctor Ewan Cameron, who became one of the world’s leading psychiatrists, developed techniques used by Nazi scientists to wipe out the existing personalities of people in his care.'
The Sunday Times, Scotland, Oct. 17, 2004 

MK-Ultra child 1961

Suck, suck your teenage thumb
Toilet trained and dumb
This, this is our new song
Just like the last one
A total waste of time
You can be frightened
You can be, it's OK.

Eyes - 'windows to the soul' - removed

Red Hot Chili Peppers, By The Way

Permanent Daylight
The easiest way to sleep at night is to
carry on believing that I don't exist
the easiest way to
sell your soul is to
carry on believing that we don't exist
it must be hard with your
head on backwards.

Bullet Proof...I Wish I Was
Limb by limb, tooth by tooth
Tearing up inside of me
Every day, every hour
I wish that I was bullet proof
Wax me,
mould me
Heat the
pins and stab them in
You have turned me into this.

Robbie Williams on Darren Brown programme
Spiral staircase; white-coated figure



Robbie Williams under water

You bite through the big wall, the big wall bites back
You just sit there and sulk, sit there and
You are so pretty when you're on your knees
Disinfected, eager to please
Sometimes you sulk, sometimes you burn
God rest your soul

Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Thom falling - no crash mat?
Rows of houses all bearing down on me
I can feel their blue hands touching me
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole

Inside his head
And fade out again, and fade out again.

Fades into alter
This machine will not communicate
These thoughts and the strain I am under

Be a world child, form a circle
Before we all go under

Fierce dog lunging at half naked child

Chair thrown towards child
And fade out again, and fade out again.

Thom facing his alter
Cracked eggs, dead birds
Scream as they fight for life
I can feel death, can see it's beady eyes

Three women in black
All these things into position
All these things we'll one day swallow whole
And fade out again and fade out again

Shattered glass - shattered mind
Immerse your soul in love
Immerse your soul in love

Bishop's Robes
Dressed in bishop's robes
me still
bastard headmaster,
children taught to kill
to tear themselves to bits
on playing fields

OK Computer 1997

''It's not really about computers, but the noise that was going on in my head'', Thom Yorke

They use the metaphor -- and it is their metaphor -- of robots, and it is like a robot shell comes down over the child alter to make them act in robotic fashion.
D C Hammond B.S. M.S. Ph.D, 'The Greenbaum Speech'

OK Computer artwork

No chance of escape

Inverted pentagram ...against demons?

Paranoid Android
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest
From all the unborn chicken voices in my head
What's that...?
When I am king, you will be first against the wall
With your opinion which is of no consequence at all
Ambition makes you look pretty ugly

Kicking and squealing gucci little piggy [This little piggy went to market - nursery rhyme programming]
Why don't you remember my name?

Off with his head
, man
Come on
rain down on me
The crackle of
The dust and the
panic, the vomit
God loves his children, God loves his children, yeah

Paronoid android video

Masked man with spiked jock strap

Exit Music (For A Film)
Wake from your sleep,
the drying of your

Today we escape, 
before your father hears us,
before all hell breaks loose.
keep breathing,
don't lose your nerve.
I can't do this alone.

there's such a chill,
And you can laugh a
spineless laugh,
we hope your rules and wisdom
choke you.
And now we are one
in everlasting peace we hope that you choke.

No Surprises video

Thom in helmet filled with water


Same theme, two years earlier

I will stop at nothing.
Riot shields,
voodoo economics,
it's just business,
cattle prods and the I.M.F.
I trust I can rely on your vote.

'Another basic component of the Monarch program is lots of electro shock. Stun guns... and cattle prods are frequently used on the slaves. Electroshock is used to create the dissociation from trauma during the programming, and later it is used to remove memories after the slave has carried out a mission, or to instill fear and obedience in a reluctant slave.' 
The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier

More Kim Noble paintings, artist with DID and up to 20 alters

Child sex abuse

Child sex abuse

Child sex abuse image?

Climbing Up The Walls
 It's always best when the light is off
I am the pick in the ice
Do not cry out or hit the alarm
You know we're friends till we die
Open up your skull
I'll be there
Climbing up the walls
It's always better on the outside
Fifteen blows to the back of your head
Fifteen blows to your mind
So lock the kids up safe tonight
... I've got the smell of a local man
Who's got the loneliest feeling

'Internal walls: these will often represent very large internal amnesia barriers... A typical use for a wall will be to maintain high levels of amnesia between "front" or daily living, amnesic alters, and "back" or cult active alters that contain more of the person's life history. The back may be able to selectively see over and cross past the wall, but the front will be completely unaware that there is a wall, or what lies behind it.'  Svali

The Wall - Pink Floyd

Comfortably Numb
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
Well I can ease your pain
I need some information first.
Can you show me where it hurts?

You are only coming through in 
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am.

Just a little pin prick.
But you may feel a little sick.
Can you stand up?
That'll keep you going through the show

There is no pain you are receding
The child is grown,
The dream is gone.
I have become comfortably numb.

Images from Alan Parker's film 'The Wall'.

Left eye mutilation

Un Chien Andalou, 1920's short film by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí

Cathy O’Brien, Monarch programmed as a child, says she was tortured by having a needle pushed into her left eye.

'One common sign of programming or childhood sexual abuse...  a squint in the left eye.'  
David Icke, Chapter 16: 'Where have all the children gone? The Biggest Secret

Kid A 2001

Kid A
I slip away
I slipped on a little white lie
We've got heads on sticks
You've got ventriloquists
Standing in the shadows at the end of my bed
NSPCC advert

Murdered child known as 'Baby P', or 'Child A' by Haringey Council 

Masonic pillars and checkerboard
Painting by murdered child Sarah Payne

How to Disappear Completely
That there 
That's not me 
I walk through walls
I fl
oat down the Liffey 
I'm not here 
This isn't happening 

Denial programming begins with the first experiences the infant goes through in life. The child has been horrendously wounded and traumatized, yet the next morning, the adults around him are acting normally, as if nothing had happened. They are modeling a lifestyle of denial for the infant and young child. This is reinforced later by the child being told: “It’s just your imagination; it isn’t really happening”... Svali

Flies are buzzing round my head 
Vultures circling the dead

The big fish eat the little ones 

This one went to market ['This little piggy went to market' - nursery rhyme programming]
This one just came out of the swamp
This one dropped a payload 
Fodder for the animals
Living on animal farm
I'd really like to help you, man
Nervous messed up marionettes
Floating around on a prison ship

Dinosaurs roaming the Earth

Songs & Nursery Rhymes Used As Triggers  Songs with Monarch programming meaning include:
Hickory, Dickory Dock (flips the system)
I’m in Love With a Big Blue Frog
Jack and Jill
Mary Had a Little Lamb (call to ritual connotation)
Mary Mary Quite Contrary (reminds the slave that abusers are all-seeing)
Old King Cole (... he’d call for his masters 3 [the 3 programmers])
Puss in Boots (porn programming)
Ring Around the Rosy
Three Blind Mice (omega programming connotation with hour glass)
Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (Sometimes associated with “I’m dead.”)

In Limbo
Nowhere to hide 
Trapdoors that open
I spiral down 
You're living in a fantasy world
I'm lost at sea 

Morning Bell
The morning bell ['Morning bells are ringing']

A bump on the head 
Howling down the chimney  
Sleepy jack the fire drill ['Frere Jacques, dormez vous']
Round and round and round
Cut the kids in half 

Kim Noble painting - 15 year old girl alter

Image used by Caerphilly Council supporting NSPCC campaign

What is the message here?

'Open your Eyes' advert

 Prominently placed white rabbit, 'Alice in Wonderland' programming

The child subjected to a strobe light

 Checkerboard masonic floor

Just a number

Two images of the head of Childline, NSPCC official website

Igor Vidovic is a paid executive of the NSPCC. As head of Childline he is the lead 'risk assessor' and is informed of and makes decisions on the most vulnerable and unprotected children.

The NSPCC makes £150+ million annually. What do they do with all that money? The 27,000 people who man Childline are volunteers. If a child is in danger surely it's dealt with by the police and the social services. 
Here's what NSPCC CEO Andrew Flanagan, former head of Scottish Media Group, said:

'Mr Flanagan calls Full Stop a ''tremendous successbut... not wholly successful [huh?] ...we raised the money, and spent it wisely on good things, and people’s lives changed as a result. But I don’t think it advanced us towards the goal of ending child cruelty” he said.'  The Times, 6 April 2009

'Spent it wisely' - on what?
'People's lives changed'? Why did he say 'people' and not specifically children?
'But I don't think it advanced us towards the goal of ending child cruelty' - What the hell did it do then??

Cathy O'Brien, mind control victim, was brought to the attention of Gerald Ford working for the CIA (later US President) because of pornographic pictures her father took of her. She was a vulnerable, traumatised child and her father was happy to sell her off.

'The type of father who is most preferred by the Programmers to offer up their children for programming is the pedophile. This father’s involvement in criminal activity... can be continually increased. They want men who they believe will not develop any qualms later on in life about what they have done. A man who waits until his daughter is a teenager to molest her, is usually esteemed to have too much conscience for the programmers.' Fritz Springmeier

One eye covered

Why is it not called the National Society for the Protection of Children?
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (neuro linguistic programming)

Amnesiac 2001 
Red, black and white - duality/bloodline/Nazi colours

Crying child, with suggestion of horns

Knives Out 
Don't look down
Shove it in your mouth

If you'd been a dog
They would have drowned you at birth
Look into my eyes
It's the only way you'll know I'm telling the truth
He's bloated and frozen
Still there's no point in letting it go to waste
So knives out
Catch the mouse
Squash his head
Put him in the pot

-Thom Yorke has said this song is about cannibalism.

Like Spinning Plates

While you make pretty speeches
I'm being cut to shreds.
You feed me to the lions

A delicate balance.
When this just feels like spinning plates.
I'm living in cloud cuckoo land.
And this just feels like spinning plates

My body's floating down a muddy river.

'One method for inducting children into a dissociative state is to have them look at a large spinning top as the colors whirl around...

For a programmer to use an optical illusion, he would first submerge the victim into a drugged state with the appropriate mind altering music and sounds and then flash the illusion onto the wall that the victim was facing. With virtual reality the child can really be immersed into a weird head trip.' Fritz Springmeier

Hail To The Thief 2003


And two & two always
makes up five
It's the devil's way now
There is no way out
'The adult will hold an object such as an orange in their hand, and ask the young child... “what is this?” The child will quickly respond, “oh, an orange!” The child will be [electro]shocked, and told, “No, it’s an apple.” The child will be confused, because what they are looking at is obviously an orange.  The question will be repeated. The child may answer again,”an orange” and will be [electro]shocked again. Finally the child, unsure and not wanting to be punished, will say, “an apple” and be praised. The purpose of this exercise is to teach the child to not trust their own reality..That is the basis of denial: the person learns to not trust their own reality, because of punishment and fear.'  Svali

Where I End and You Begin
The dinosaurs roam the earth
The sky turns green
Where I end and you begin [talking to his alter]
I am up in the clouds
and I can't come down
I will eat you alive

Painting of Heath Ledger 
Tormented by alters

Kim Noble


We Suck Young Blood

Are you hungry, are you sick? [taunting]
Are you begging for a break? [being tortured]
Are you sweet?
Are you fresh?
Are you strung up by the wrists?
We want the young blood
Are you fracturing? [fractured mind]
Are you torn at the seams? [torture]
we suck young blood
we want the sweet meats [cannibalism]
we want the young blood

our veins are thin
our rivers poisoned

we want the sweet meats
we want the young blood

Old photo of Bohemian Grove from the National Geographic website, with the following caption:
'Power Party | Photograph by Gabriel Moulin, 1915
'To purge himself of worldly concerns, a member of the elite Bohemian Club participated in a 1915 Cremation of Care ceremony—complete with candles and a robed and hooded comrade to guide him. This private club of influential men still meets annually north of San Francisco and uses this symbolic ritual to kick off its summer retreat. But today the ceremony involves burning a mummy-like effigy named Care at the foot of the group's mascot: a 40-foot-tall (12-meter-tall) concrete owl.'

'Nearly 2,000 carefully selected government officials, corporate tycoons and other luminaries assemble privately every July in a redwood forest about 65 miles north of San Francisco. The meeting includes a somber ritual that features the Druidic burning of an effigy, practised by its members (all men), including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Alan Greenspan, Richard M. Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger. It is purported that Obama and McCain visited Bohemian Grove in July 2008. The November 1989 edition of SPY magazine featured photos of Bohemian Grove men dancing around dressed up as women...:"Bigwigs who have attended the two-week retreat include George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Alan Greenspan, Walter Cronkite, Newt Gingrich, Alexander Haig, Jack Kemp, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, John Major, William F. Buckley, Justin Dart, William Randolph Hearst, Jr., Caspar Weinberger, Charles Percy, George Schultz, Edward Teller, and former C.I.A. director William Casey." '

The Gloaming

It is now the witching hour
Murderers you're murderers
We are not the same as you
When the walls bend
They will suck you down
To the shadows blue and red

'I was taken to satanic rituals. They were really bad rituals where I was raped on an altar in front of lots of Shriners late at night, in dark outside places and they hurt and tortured me in the name of what they called, "the holy one." 

The minister ushered me into his office and after I confessed that I had been severely abused as a child, had Multiple Personality Disorder, had been forced to participate in satanic rituals where infants, children, and animals were killed... - he looked at me in horror, and said, "Get down on your knees, and ask God to forgive you of your transgressions. You are a sinner."  Brice Taylor

Thom dancing as if possessed (like Ian Curtis, Joy Division)

There There
In pitch dark I go walking in your landscape.
Broken branches trip me as I speak.
there's always a siren
singing you to shipwreck.[being lured to their deaths]

(don't reach out,
don't reach out)  [not to need]
just because you feel it doesn't mean it's there.
(there's someone on your shoulder)
why so green and lonely?

'Now they have tried to protect this very carefully. Let me give you an example with Ultra-Green. I discovered this -- by the way I used to think this programming was only in bloodline people. I've discovered it in non-bloodline people, but it's a bit different. They don't want it to be just the same. I don't think you'll find deep things like Ultra-Green and probably not even Green Programming with non-bloodline people.'  D C Hammond, President American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 1992

'Color programming is a simple way to organize systems, and allows the trainer to call up alters easily within a system. With the thousands of fragments that many multiples in the cult have, colors are a way of organizing them into an easily accessible group.' Svali


She ate me up for breakfast [cannibalism]
and screwed me in a vice
I feel so skinned alive

'The child is also put through severe psychological torture to ensure that it will never be tempted to tell, including: being buried alive; near drowning; watching "traitor's deaths" involving slow painful torture such as being burned, or skinned alive.'  Svali

I twitch and I salivate like with myxomatosis
you should put me in a home or you should put me down
it must have got mixed up
strangled, beaten up
I feel so tongue-tied

moving target in a firing range.

Somewhere I'm not scatterbrain
Lightning fuse

Go to Sleep single

A Wolf At The Door
Drag him out the window
dragging out your dead
snakes and ladders
smacks you in the head
knifes you in the neck
kicks you in the teeth
steel toe caps
dance you fucker  
take it with the love its given
I promise to be good
don't look in the mirror
at the face you don't recognize
but he calls me up
tells me all the ways that he's gonna mess me up
stepford wives who are we to complain? 
Stepford Wives 1975

Extreme Abuse Survey for Adult Survivors Jan – Mar 2007 with  1471 respondents from 31 countries

Professional – Extreme Abuse Survey Apr – Jun 2007 with 451 respondents from 20 countries
The EAS and P-EAS were developed and conducted in English and German by:
Thorsten Becker Social Worker and Researcher, Germany
Wanda Karriker, PhD Psychologist and Researcher, USA
Bettina Overcamp, PhD Psychologist and Researcher, Germany
Carol Rutz Mind Control Survivor & Researcher, USA

Number of survivors who have remembered:
236 forced drug usage
222 sensory deprivation.
217 electroshock
186 near-drowning experiences
71 brain implants.
219 remembered seeing perpetrators wearing white doctors’ coats.
236 Forced drugging
236 Sexual abuse by multiple perpetrators
228 Being threatened with death if I ever talked about the abuse
224 Sleep deprivation
222 Sensory deprivation
218 Bondage
217 Electroshock
210 Blinding lights
203 Use of blood in abuse

197 Witnessing murder by perpetrators
196 Witnessing animal mutilations, killings
193 Being caged
190 Spinning
186 Near drowning 
185 Forced to abuse other victims
184 Use of feces in abuse
183 Child pornography
178 Forced participation in murder by perpetrators
178 Starvation
207 Self-destruct programming installed 
228 had been threatened with death if they ever talked about their abuse.
160 experienced sexual mind control programming used by handlers for blackmail or personal use
135 have (or have had) at least one robot alter..
177 Forced to murder (or made to think I had murdered) a baby
176 Forced to participate in animal mutilations/killings
169 Buried alive
168 Forced cannibalism
167 Bestiality
114 Straight-jacketed
112 Dislocation of limbs
86 My own child murdered by perpetrator
71 Brain implants


Thom and Jonny Greenwood

In Rainbows 2007

Over the rainbow - Oz programming
Pink Floyd, 'Dark Side of the Moon'

I am
trapped in this body and can't get out
I have no idea what you are talking about
Your mouth moves only with
someone's hand up your ass
Has the
light gone out for you?
Because the light's gone for me

It can follow you like a dog
It brought me to my knees
They got a skin and they put me in
I'm a lie

Thom pointing out his fake smile

You paint yourself white
and fill up with noise [White noise torture]


Faust ARP [Faust - sold his soul to the devil]
One two three four
Wakey wakey
rise and shine
it's on again, off again, on again
watch me
fall like dominos

'Deck of cards: this can include cards from a deck, or complex configurations made of hundreds of card inside. Dominoes programming is similar. All touch each other and if person tries to dismantle programming, the deck will "fall".'  Svali
fingers in the blackbird pie [nursery rhyme programming]
I'm tingling, 
dead from the neck up


House of Cards

Fall off the table,
swept under
The infrastructure will collapse
Your ears should be burning
Denial, denial

Thom in 'House of Cards' video, his head fractured throughout

'Alters will be created as the child grows, whose purpose is to deny the cult abuse. If any leakage or breakthrough occurs, the denial alter’s job is to create a plausible explanation: it was a nightmare, a book the person read, a movie they saw, etc.'  Svali

Jigsaw Falling Into Place
Come back in focus again

The walls are bending shape
You got a
cheshire cat grin  [Alice in Wonderland programme]

'In the 1940’s and 1950’s, the Illuminati began using Disney’s Alice In Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz films as programming bases for their total mind-controlled slaves...'  Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

All blurring into one
This place is on a mission

Before the night owl
Before the
animal noises
Closed circuit cameras
Before you
The beat goes
round and round
Words are
blunt instruments
Words are sawn off shotguns

Wish away the nightmare

Mephistopheles is just beneath
and he's reaching up to grab me

red, blue, green
You are my center
When I 
spin away
No matter what happens now
You shouldn't be afraid
Because I know today has been the most
perfect day I've ever seen.

Natalie Portman dying at the end of the film, Black Swan. Her last words, “I was perfect”.

'Many years ago, the first step in the Illuminati genetic program was the creation of specifications... They have sought the perfect assassin. They have sought the perfect slave. They have sought the perfect baseball player and golf player. They have sought the perfect soldier. The borders between these manufactured Illuminati total mind-control slaves and an industrial robot are fast becoming blurred.'  Fritz Springmeier

MK1 (instrumental) 
MK2 (instrumental)
Two tracks, In Rainbows

Up On The Ladder

I'm stuck in the tardis

trapped in hyperspace

one minute snake charming


watch me dance like a puppet

you can almost see the strings

Thom Yorke covered in chocolate

Bangers and Mash


It's all been sent to recover hell


Chief of police or vice-chancellor

Lord and lady, blah blah
The vicar or the judge
You are dancing to my little red book


The pyramid is power

If you stare into the dark

The black will stare back

Back into your soul


Because you bit me,

Poison, I got the poison

Lady Gaga 666 gesture and Illuminati eye

Lil Wayne

Beyonce and Lady Gaga

Justin Timberlake

Thom - The Big Ask charity

4 Minute Warning

This is just a nightmare

Soon I'm going to wake up


This is a warning

4 minute warning

'Denial Programming: “It was just a bad dream” (the child wants to believe this lie. It makes the pain less to think it didn’t really happen)....' Svali

Other songs:

Judge, Jury & Executioner


Thin persecutors

Your twisted whispers

A horned reptile that is crawled upon the earth
When darkness follows
I just can't talk or reason with my executioner

Johnny Gosch, and other young victims. 'The Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska' by John DeCamp (1992)

These Are My Twisted Words
These are my twisted words
When are you coming back?
I just can't handle it
I just can't stand it

Feeling Pulled Apart by Horses
Insect bytes, machine gun cameras
Fobbed off with lame shite excuses
I've no sons
But I've no daughters
Feeling pulled apart by horses

'Stretch machine: used as punishment, "stretches " person without breaking bones. Extremely painful.' Svali
Medieval torture 

Give Up The Ghost
Don’t hurt me [on loop throughout song]
Gather up the lust in your soul
Gather up the pitiful
I think I have had my fill


Follows Me Around
I see you in the dark corner of the street
Coming after me,
The shadow of my former self
Nowadays I get panicked 
I have ceased to exist 
I feel absolutely nothing 

The Eraser, Thom Yorke's solo album
'They have built in shut-down and erasure codes so if they got into trouble they could shut something down and they could also erase something.' D C Hammond
Red, black and white - duality and elite bloodline
Dark magician controlling waves

Still from interview - dark figure controlling Thom

Black Swan
People get crushed like biscuit crumbs
This is your blind spot,
It should be obvious, but it's not.
I'm your black swan,
But I made it to the top,
This is fucked up,
I'm for spare parts, broken up
Hecate, also known as the Black Swan, is goddess of the dark arts. Four black swans were ritually placed on the lake at the temple where Princess Diana is supposed to be buried.
Black Swan (red, black and white), about Natalie Portman's possession by dark 

There was an unpleasant moment I witnessed while watching Thom at Latitude festival a 
few years back. Right before he plays 'Black Swan' 41:30, he seems to switch, and go intoa different altar. Very like Britney Spears or Nicki Minaj.
Skip Divided
I'm in a skip divided malfunction
I flap around and dive bomb
Frantically around your light
Enveloped in a sad distraction
I got your voice repeating endlessly
'In addition to LSD and PCP (Phencyclidine), Cameron also experimented with various paralytic drugs, as well as electroconvulsive therapy at 30 to 40 times the normal dose. His experiments consisted of putting subjects into drug-induced coma for up to three months while playing tape loops of noise or repetitive statements. His work was paralleled by the British psychiatrist Dr William Sargant who carried out virtually identical experiments at St Thomas' Hospital, London and Belmont Hospital, Surrey without his patients' consent.'  Harvey M. Weinstein M.D.

Could you guide me in? Could you smother me?
I swoop around your head
Electric veins pass through me
Lady Gaga receiving electoshocks 
'Shock equipment: models and types are quite varied, depending on age and company. Most have a set of rubber covered wires, with electrodes that may be connected with Velcro, rubber (steel tips embedded under finger and toe nails), or gel pads (larger body areas such as chest, arms, legs). Some are tiny electrodes, which can be taped next to eyes, or placed within genitalia. These are connected to the"shock box", which has controls that can determine amount of electricity, and frequency, if interval shocks are desired.'  Svali

The devil may
You are a fool
Like a dog, I'm a dog, I'm a lapdog

Helpless humans will be displayed to a child victim of mind-control. These helpless humans will be viciously killed by some animal, a lion, a tiger, a snake, a wild dog or whatever. The programming lie emphasized at this point is that it is better to be that particular type of animal than it is to be human.  Then the animal is sacrificed and its spirit is ritually joined to the child’s alters. Other programming is added to insure the dehuminization process to make certain child alters into particular animals.'
Fritz Springmeier

Atoms For Peace
No more going to the dark side with your flying saucer eyes
No more falling down a wormhole that I have to pull you out
The wriggling, squiggling worm inside devours from the inside out
Peel all of your layers off I want to eat your artichoke heart
No more leaky holes in your brain
And no false starts
I wanna get out
So many lies
[FYI: Project ARTICHOKE was a CIA project that researched interrogation methods and arose from Project BLUEBIRD on August 20, 1951, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence. A memorandum by Richard Helms to CIA director Allen Welsh Dulles indicated Artichoke became Project MKULTRA on April 13, 1953.]

Harrowdown Hill
Don’t walk the plank like I did
You will be dispensed with 
When you’ve become inconvenient
Did I fall or was I pushed?
And where’s the blood?
We just can’t do anything about it
Don’t ask me, ask the ministry
I can’t take the pressure
No one cares if you live or die
They just want me gone
There are too many of us so you can’t count
I feel me slipping in and out of consciousness
Written about David Kelly, with whom Thom empathises. 
Or maybe not about Kelly at all - Harrowed down, hell
Thom - Harrowdown Hill

Rihanna - Russian Roulette
'The child is also put through severe psychological torture to ensure that it will never be tempted to tell, including: ...near drowning.'  Svali
Hearing Damage [from 'Twilight' soundtrack]
A tear in my brain
Allows the voices in
They wanna push you off the path
With their
frequency wires

Thom Yorke

- - -
Phil Selway, Radiohead's drummer - disturbing lyrics in his solo album. A few examples -
By Some Miracle
As a black dog down in the basement
Is barking out my name
Snapping at my heels when I falter
Kick it but it won't go away

Beyond Reason
Heartbeats fast, your senses reeling
You just want to fight
Calm yourself, you're being unreasoned
out of your mind
Fuses blown, you're not receiving

Phil Selway

All Eyes On You
Slow down, you're terrified to speak
Afraid of the light that shines on you
So frail and small
So scared, you're terrified
By all the eyes on you

The Witching Hour
Take me, 
Out into the night
Faces round a fire
The witching hour
I am like a child

Radiohead fading into each other

Stanley Donwood, Radiohead artist since 1995

Stanley Donwood

Stanley Donwood - 'Pandemonium'


Radiohead bear logo by Stanley Donwood and 'Dr. Tchock'. Reptilian eyes and predator teeth

Teddy bear - Muse 'Uprising' cd

Perverted demonic teddy bear in Uprising video

'i am citizen insane'

Stanley Donwood and Dr.Tchock[Shock]

'The programmers find out what phobias and fears the children have and use those to terrify them. This includes putting children in dark confined places with spiders and snakes. The children are told that if they ‘play dead’ the snakes and spiders won’t bite them, so encouraging them to dissociate. Putting them in coffins...'  Svali
Thom in a coffin

Pop is Dead video

'Reflections on Kid A' interview:
"One of the strengths we've always had is you know, like ..er, I mean I'll sort of come up with things but I don't know what they mean - I've got no idea, and the others are really good at knowing what they mean."

'...the child will be put typically on a gurney... They'll be strapped down, typically naked. There'll be wires attached to their head... They will see a pulsing light, most often described as red, occasionally white or blue. They'll be given, most commonly I believe, Demerol. Sometimes it'll be other drugs as well depending on the kind of programming...
They then will describe a pain on one ear... where it appears a needle has been placed, and they will hear weird, disorienting sounds in that ear while they see photic stimulation to drive the brain into a brainwave pattern with a pulsing light at a certain frequency... they will begin programming oriented to self-destruction and debasement of the person.'
D C Hammond PhD, 'The Greenbaum speech'

History of Official Involvement in Mind Control Research in the United States
In 2000, Psychiatrist Colin A. Ross MD published a series of books on the treatment of dissociative disorders, ritual abuse and mind control, entitled BLUEBIRD; Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists which is based on 15,000 pages of documents obtained from the CIA through the Freedom of Information Act (Ross, 2000). 

Concise Definition of Ritual Abuse-Based Mind Control
"Ritual abuse is a brutal form of abuse of children, adolescents, and adults, consisting of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse, and involving the use of rituals. Ritual does not necessarily mean satanic. However, most survivors state that they were ritually abused as part of satanic worship for the purpose of indoctrinating them into satanic beliefs and practices. Ritual abuse rarely consists of a single episode... The physical abuse is severe, sometimes including torture and killing. The sexual abuse is usually painful, sadistic, and humiliating... The psychological abuse is devastating and involves the use of ritual/indoctrination, which includes mind control techniques and mind altering drugs, and ritual/intimidation....  victims are in a state of terror, mind control, and dissociation in which disclosure is extremely difficult." 
Los Angeles County Commission For Women, 1991